Rewild Health is education and experiential-based health.
Hi there!
I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to share this work (+play) with you! With my background training in naturopathic and functional medicine, holistic clinical nutrition, meditation and yoga, I always have had a vision of connecting it all together. ( I’m a connectedness person on my top five Strengths Finder, 2.0. Are you familiar? )
It has taken time, research, experience and a lot of effort to create these sustainable practices for health. I present to you the Rewild Foundational Health Daily Actions to bring it all together... in way that is easy to understand - a way that informs you about your body and health, and the health of your planet.
I am super excited to tell you more about Rewild Health. I work with individual clients, small groups and present to corporations and schools - getting people inspired to be healthy and kind - one Brussels sprout at a time.
Please send me and email, and/or opt-in to my newsletter below.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours in wild health,
It's time to feel better and more beautiful, inside and out.